Antigua Beach Vacations works closely with the property
managers to ensure your vacation is both relaxing and safe. As a response to
Covid-19, we have made some policy updates that you should be aware of as you
plan for your stay. Of course, your health and wellness is our top priority so
ensuring that appropriate safety measures are put into place is essential.
As you prepare for your trip and once you arrive, please
1. All guests should go directly to their villa upon arrival.
The keys and other details are at the security booth next to the tennis courts.
2. While villas will be rigorously cleaned and sanitized between
guests, there will be no housekeeping services while guests are enjoying their
4. All guests should be advised to bring their beach towels and
an adequate supply of masks. In a case where the guests does not have enough
masks, we have a limited number on hand. They can also be purchased at the
local grocery store.
5. All guests are allowed to visit the HBK property management
office. At the office masks must be worn. Social distancing and sanitizing
procedures are encouraged.
5. Guests may have additional instructions given to them by
Government officials at the airport to be followed during their stay.
6. All guests are required to have a Negative covid test
obtained within 7 days prior to their arrival day. (Government requirement)
7. Please see up-to-date information on all covid related
requirement/procedures/travel advisory via this link: https://visitantiguabarbuda.com/travel-advisory/ It is
your responsibility to stay advised of the changing Covid-19 policies prior to
and for the duration of your stay.
We sincerely hope that you enjoy your Antigua vacation. If we
can answer any questions for you, please reach out at info@antiguabeachvacations.com
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